We intend to create the database and website; we want to have the basics of the website running by the next meeting on Tuesday.
The tentative schema for the database should be:
User Table
UserID, Authentication, MONEY, Reserve, # correct?
Give money every day. (First bid of the day)
Prediction-User Relation
UID, PredictionID, # that they own (can be +, -, or 0)[, numSell, bidSell, numBuy, bidBuy]
Prediction-User Selling Buying Table
UID, PredictionID, datetime, buyBool, #that you want, price
Prediction Table
PredictionID, Section, Subsection, Question, ClosingDate, DecidingDate, FinalResult
Compute CurrentOdds with a function (as well as max Buy and min Sell)
SELECT max(bidSell) AS minSell FROM pred-usertable WHERE PredictionID = predID
SELECT max(bidBuy) AS maxBuy FROM pred-usertable WHERE PredictionID = predID
The website should include
- A home page, which should have a list of all predictions
- A page for each prediction with its individual stats
- A page for bidding on the predictions
- A page for each user's individual stats
If time permits we can expand the webpage, but we plan to have at least this much up by next week.
For testing purposes we should fill the database tables with test data until we're ready to open them to the public.